Untethered Android apk v1.0.1rc3 (MEGA)

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Untethered Android apk v1.0.1rc3 (MEGA)

Untethered Android apk v1.0.1rc3 (MEGA)


Unwind the puzzle of Untethered, a Daydream restrictive and eccentric long winded VR arrangement blending funnies and radio show, into a videogame you can converse with. Utilizing your own voice to converse with characters, and your trusty laser pointer arm to interface with the world, you join the story and sort out what’s going on in a beach front Oregon town of legitimate persevering people where everything feels excessively fantastic.

In the event that you could live inside a great radio dramatization, converse with its imperceptible characters and cooperate with the situations the story painted in your psyche, you may wind up in a world like Untethered.

Who is the man leaving phone messages? What is he searching for? What precisely is this environmental marvel everybody is discussing? With each new scene, investigate new areas and meet new characters, as you unwind the riddles of Untethered.


Tamaño: 94 MB
versión: 1.0.1rc3
Idioma: Ingles

Requiere Android: 4.0 y versiones superiores

Instalar apk y listo a jugar!!!!




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