From Night School Studio, the honor winning makers of Oxenfree, comes Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n.apk. Occurring amid the principal period of USA Network’s Golden Globe Award-winning dramatization, you locate an advanced mobile phone on the ground outside the Fun Society Arcade at Coney Island. Much to your dismay that the telephone has a place with Darlene, a dark cap programmer who’s going to carry out the greatest cybercrime the world has ever seen… and she needs her telephone back to do it.
Gotten to be involved in the realm of fsociety, a rebel programmer bunch resolved to «reset the world,» by messaging diverse representatives of their objective organization: E-Corp, a monstrous worldwide tech organization. Take, cheat and lie your way through this mechanical minefield while managing Elliot’s broken identity, and attempting to keep your own data safe.
In Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n.apk, you’ll utilize the E-Corp informing application to convey continuously with characters from the appear, settling on exchange decisions that specifically influence how the story streams. Settle on a decision then live with the sweeping results in this hello tech account dramatization driven by YOU.
Tamaño: 29 MB
version: 1.0.1
Idioma: Ingles
Requiere Android: 2.3 y versiones superiores
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