The notable pretending amusement Mage: The Ascension shows in our turbulent present with Refuge, an intelligent fiction composed by widely praised creator Karin Tidbeck.
Set in cutting edge Sweden, Mage: Refuge gives you a chance to experience today’s social and political changes while arousing to the force of True Magick the capacity to shape reality itself through your constrain of conviction. Many will attempt to enroll you into a mystery war where human agreement itself is the war zone. Your activities and decisions will have significant results on the world and individuals around you expecting frenzy and Paradox doesn’t assert you first.
Tamaño: 123 MB
versión: 1.0.2
Idioma: Ingles
Requiere Android: 4.1 y versiones superiores
1-Instalar apk.
2-Copiar la carpeta «com.asmodeedigital.magerefuge» en la ruta Sdcard/Android/obb.
3-Listo a jugar!!!
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