Just in a solidified no man’s land with no memory of how he arrived, the main any desire for a lost globe-trotter is your last line of correspondence, YOU Take him certainly and help him discover his personality in this energizing story of survival. Your decisions shape the story as you play.
3 Minute Games has cooperated with Eipix Entertainment for the new amusement from the widely praised by faultfinders, Lifeline. Life saver: Hell White presents another character, V. Adams Play on the fly with continuous notices sent to your gadget and report back to V. Adams as the day progressed, sitting tight for the transport, lunch, or before sleep time.
– An account of survival differentiated play continuously.
– Play whenever with reports of V. Adams conveyed as the day progressed.
– Your choices shape the story as you play.
– No Internet association is required. No buys inside the application or advertisements.
– Includes full backing for Apple Watch.
– Includes full backing for Android Wear.
– Lot of upheld dialects.
Tamaño: 64 MB
versión: 1.1.0
Idioma: Multi idioma
Requiere Android: 4.0.3 y versiones superiores
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