Dungeon Laughter is a non-standard Roguelike 3D diversion with irregular guide era, arbitrary props era framework, which makes an amazingly changing cell environment. There will be six levels and many beasts sitting tight for the globe-trotter to challenge.
By utilizing voxel character models and element lighting, the craftsmanship style looks both dull and cute. We likewise included numerous exemplary plots of great prison diversions to our own. The enterprise will make you feel the strained environment over the span of the amusement, yet with a grin all over.
Whether you are a prison experience amusement devotee, or you are a player who left foot shaped impressions in a ton of exemplary cell diversions, you will discover the recollections and the new fun in our amusement, much the same as great old times.
Tamaño: 41 mb
version: 1.1
Idioma: Ingles
Requiere Android: 3.0 y versiones superiores
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