SKRWT is the point of view remedy instrument and all the more intense focal point out there. It created to help you enhance your best photographs of cell phone with only a couple touches of SKRWT v.1.3 is currently over and above anyone’s expectations. With an assortment of elements unrivaled and amazing expansions MRRW and 4PNTS applications, this application is fine altering apparatus when photos refined fan like you. Live symmetry.
Say farewell to the merging lines: SKRWT is applying point of view rectification and universally handy focal point for partners of symmetry. Revises flat and vertical twists like photos brought with focal point connectors, DLSRs with a GoPro camera or an automaton lines. With auto-cut component remarkable in its kind and plain as day interface and instinctive client SKRWT is lost in photography top of the line cell phones connect. On the off chance that the quality and symmetry is not your strong point, SKRWT is for you.
With 4PNTS, great companions again SRKWT consider work processes point of view and brought another expansion vital. A pragmatic way to deal with expert photograph preparing: 4PNTS gives you a chance to work physically at least one corner purposes of your picture, turning the point of view adjustment handle in a totally instinctive taking care of. The apparatus 4-point viewpoint is accessible as a buy inside the application – so you can masterfully change, skew and enhance your photographs inside SKRWT. Your decision, your innovativeness, your turn.
SKRWT has four impacts of high-accuracy reflect in the reflect device for your Smartphone without opponent. With an invigorating innovative picture control approach, MRRW reveals shrouded symmetries in your absolute best chances and gives you a chance to discover new imaginative and masterful flexibility. Investigate new conceivable outcomes in arrangement and utilizations point of view revision and auto-cut as SKRWT. Here comes a perpetual stream of mrrwgrams.
Tamaño: 5 MB
versión: 1.3.2
Idioma: Multi idioma
Requiere Android: 4.4 y versiones superiores
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