Battery GO Android apk v1.2 (MEGA)

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Battery GO Android apk v1.2 (MEGA)


Pokemon GO does not run when the screen is off which implies that the screen must be on and opened to have the capacity to get Pokemon or recognize ventures for bring forth eggs.  This application permits you to tap a catch to bolt and pass out the screen yet keep Pokemon GO running.

This implies you can spare battery life while strolling around by putting the screen in a lower power state, and you to securely put your telephone in your pocket without agonizing over pocket dialing or incidentally squeezing different catches when your telephone is on and in your pocket.


Tamaño: 1 mb
version: 1.2
Idioma: Ingles

Requiere Android: 4.4 y versiones superiores

Instalar apk y listo a disfrutar!!!




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