Satellite Command takes you to the eye wateringly lovely low earth circle. Take order and deliberately deal with the assets of both your satellites and organization, as you finish differing missions to construct a perpetually intense armada,
An extreme permadeath diversion not for the cowardly, Satellite Command has been produced in coupled with Space industry specialists and elements a practical astronomy reproduction underneath a maverick like arcade style amusement. We emphatically prescribe a Gaming Tablet or top of the line telephone for the best experience.
– A sensible astronomy reenactment, arrange and alter your circles to get as near or a long way from Earth as you set out.
– Careful arranging and asset administration of up to six circling satellites.
– Over 150 missions with fluctuating articles to finish.
– Real pictures and data on different profound space wonders and points of interest of the Earth, Moon and Sun.
– Player Progression framework, with tip top accomplishments and pioneer sheets.
– Permadeath gameplay intended to empower learning by doing.
– Fully intelligent gameplay instructional exercise players new to the complexities of astronomy.
Tamaño: 90 mb
version: 1.1
Idioma: Ingles
Requiere Android: 5.0 y versiones superiores
1-Instalar apk.
2-Copiar la carpeta «com.Stormtide.SatelliteCommandFull» en la ruta Sdcard/Android/obb.
3-Listo a jugar!!!
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