In a modern city tormented by gloom, you take control of its kin’s lone remaining trust : a red inflatable! With your help, one cheerful youngster will have the capacity to fathom riddles and impart her delight to alternate occupants, yet a solitary inflatable is insufficient…
In this experience diversion, you need to comprehend bewilders keeping in mind the end goal to spread satisfaction by giving without end inflatables! Utilize your minds, your surroundings and obviously your inflatables to cross the city’s boulevards, industrial facilities and sewers in your excellent voyage of disseminating inflatables and grins to everybody.
Be that as it may, be careful, for inflatables are astonishingly delicate, and risks are abundant in this unfriendly city. In the event that your inflatables don’t take off, they may blast due to perilous, spiky hardware. Maneuver carefully.
* Head-wracking bewilders with numerous arrangements. Utilize your inflatables astutely.
* Adventure through a bleak modern city. Feel the bitterness that you attempt to repulse.
* Multiple inflatable sorts permit you to fly, annihilate snags or paste stuff together.
* Controls intended for a touch screen. Play through the diversion with a solitary finger.
* Listen to delightfully formed music by Productions Musique Nordique.
Tamaño: 128 mb
version: 1.0
Idioma: Ingles
Requiere Android: 2.3 y versiones superiores
1-Instalar apk.
2-Copiar la carpeta «com.MirumStudio.RiseOfBalloons» en la ruta Sdcard/Android/obb.
3-Listo a jugar!!!
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