Battling Fantasy, the world acclaimed intuitive gamebook arrangement is back, Steve Jackson and Tin Man Games present House of Hell.
Taking shelter in the notorious House of Hell must be the most noticeably awful misstep of your life The risks of the heavy tempest outside are nothing contrasted with the blood-souring undertakings that anticipate you inside. Who knows what number of hapless drifters like yourself have died inside of its grisly dividers? Be cautioned! This evening will be a night to recollect.
– Make the gamebook as simple or hard as you prefer and even turn on an extraordinary trick mode to peruse it old fashioned!
– Atmospheric new visuals which can be killed to make the gamebook seem as though it fell off the printing press in the 80s!
– Tim Sell’s exemplary delineations colorised for the application.
– Fantastic new cover work of art to open!
– Works incredible on tablets and telephones!
– A mechanized Adventure Sheet to monitor details and stock.
– Realistic material science based shakers rolling. Shake your gadget!
– Artwork exhibition. Discover a representation in the gamebook and have the capacity to get to it full-screen until the end of time.
– Bookmarking framework which spares your position in the gamebook, much like putting your fingers between the pages to recollect your past page when perusing the soft cover!
– Specially made soundtrack and sound impacts.
Tamaño: 44 mb
Idioma: Ingles
Requiere Android: 2.0.1 y versiones superiores
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