You set your position and bearing and, with the utilization of the Law of Reflection you should get away from the screen and all the while decolorize all the hued stages on the screen.
– 75 testing levels + one unique last level.
– Beautiful and uncommon style of illustrations in each level (made on paper with pencil.
– No ADs, no IAP, no handicapped gameplay.
– Four universes with five distinctive diversion mechanics.
– Basic mechanics – THE LAW OF REFLECTION.
– BLACK HOLES – they impact your direction and can ingest you.
– GRAVITY – set your own bearing of the gravity.
– MOVING PLATFORMS – a few stages change their position after some time.
– Final level mechanics gets to be accessible in the wake of completing all the past levels.
– Game design that likewise looks awesome on tablets with high-determination screens.
Tamaño: 73 mb
version: 1.11
Idioma: Ingles
Requiere Android: 4.0 y versiones superiores
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