You are a veteran Space Marine of the Imperial Fists Chapter. Outfitted with capable Terminator shield and furnished with the deadliest weapons that the Adeptus Astartes wield, you are an image of the Emperor’s strength. Caught on board the space mass Herald of Oblivion and the main survivor of your squad, you should battle your way through the outsiders and apostates that pervade the star vessel and figure out how to get away from the ghastliness and come back to your Chapter.
– Read the gamebook by changing your telephone or tablet into an Imperial Cogitator.
– Holographic battle test system conveys the player vis-à-vis with the horde of lifeforms on the space mass.
– Advance or withdraw! Discharge weapons from a separation, or move in for close battle.
– Encounter Orks, Tyranids, Dark Eldar, Necrons and more as you investigate the Herald of Oblivion.
– Access the Xenos Archive to monitor immense animals you decimate.
Tamaño: 77 mb
version: 1.0.4502
Idioma: Ingles
Requiere Android: 2.3 y versiones superiores
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