JCC Pokémon Online Android apk + data v2.38.0 (MEGA)

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JCC Pokémon Online Android apk + data v2.38.0 (MEGA)


Have a fabulous time learning and culminating the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online! Hone against the PC or play against companions or different players around the globe. Opens letters and cards as you play to extend your gathering and make really one of a kind decks. Your gathering of letters and cards is put away as a component of your record Pokémon Trainer Club, which gives you a chance to switch amongst tablet and desktop PC easily.

Beginning is simple: Choose a deck of Grass, Fire or Water, starts to play and learn on the fly while getting a charge out of a benevolent diversion sort experience. Extend YOUR COLLECTION: Win cards, open improvement bundles, trades with different players and make the ideal deck with your most loved cards.

Alter your experience: Create your own particular cards, modify the presence of your cards, boxes for cards and symbol, and join your companions on the web. Sharpen your aptitudes: Play against the PC until you are prepared to confront different players.

Challenge the world: When you think your deck configuration is prepared, challenge different players or take an interest in a competition to demonstrate your aptitudes and information.

Tamaño: 274 MB
version: 2.38.0
Idioma: Multi idioma

Requiere Android: 4.0 y versiones superiores

1-Instalar apk.
2-Copiar la carpeta «com.pokemon.pokemontcg» en la ruta Sdcard/Android/obb.
3-Listo a jugar!!!



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1 comentarios en "JCC Pokémon Online Android apk + data v2.38.0 (MEGA)"

  1. Sickboii dice:

    Muy buena página la verdad.
    Podrían subir la última actualización de Pokémon JCC Online?

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