Ernie vs Evil Android apk v1.0 (MEGA)

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Ernie vs Evil Android apk v1.0 (MEGA)

Ernie vs Evil Android apk v1.0 (MEGA)


The town of Lawrston was previously a serene spot to live, until the summoning shredded it. Ascended from the profundities the very pinnacle of underhandedness, the antiquated heavenly creature, Bob, has had the town. Utilizing his new armed force, Bob, arrangements to transform all of mankind into his detestable workers.
All that stands amongst Bob and his arrangements is one man, grouchy from a twofold move and with no night arranges. That man is Ernie, the business director for Meat N’ Things.

Tamaño: 25 mb
version: 1.0
Idioma: Ingles

Requiere Android: 2.3.3 y versiones superiores

Instalar apk y listo a jugar!!!



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